Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hording on the Run

This idea came in my mind when i saw a hoarding on the road side. The advertrizer mucst be paying his arms legs and what not to advertise on such big and visible hoeardings. I looked around and found many running empty and not used hoardings (Read them as private cars). SO here is the idea
1. Me as a organization approach the private vehicle owners to sell the outer space of their car for advertisement.
2. On the other side i approach different organization which will be interested in buying such space from us.
3. The big question is where do i get the mony from. The difference between buying and selling the space for advertisement givens me th money.

Now think of this, you have almost unlimted hoarding space that you can buy ans sell :-) .. So make as much money as possible :-)

Well .. just an idea!
Any one game .. let me know ..............

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A concerned Bangalorean, runner biker and a good person in all ;)